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Body Ripped

Body Ripped HMB - Muscle Aid

Body Ripped HMB - Muscle Aid

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Hydroxymethyl-Butyrate, or HMB for short, is a derivative of the essential amino acid Leucine, and is made in small quantities naturally within the human body. Research suggests that HMB may play a key role in reducing muscle catabolism, making it of interest to athletes and especially bodybuilders.

Body Ripped's Calcium Hydroxymethyl-Butyrate is formulated to assist active people in achieving physique and/or performance goals, and may be an appropriate supplement to use before, during, and after weight training or other strenuous exercise.


HMB is recommended for use by athletes involved in weight training, bodybuilding, strength training, and other power training or events. 3 grams daily is the standard dose used in most studies, usually split up to 1 gram three times per day.  

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